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Miss Norma Allen and her dog Spottie Ann lived across the street from me for several years.

After her mother died, Norma’s family thought it best that she move to town from the country home she shared with her mother in Jessetown.


My children and I visited Norma and her mother in Jessetown once – I sought them out, trying to learn more about the history of my house. It was a delightful visit. Norma’s elderly mother was bed-ridden at that time, but she had us bring her portable keyboard to her bed so she could play us a few old tunes. It was wonderful.

Before they lived in Jessetown, my house was their family home place.  Norma would rather have been here in my house when she moved back to town, but since that was not possible she was quite excited that she could at least look out her front window and gaze upon the home of her youth.


She would often call me on the phone. “What are YOU doin’ today?” she’d always ask. Once we got the weather and current events covered… and after she’d told me what Spottie Ann had done that day… and what dear brother or sister had visited or sent a letter…and after she had spoken about how nice the people at Pic-Pac were to her… or how much our neighbor Byron Lyvers had helped her that day - Norma would invariably ask me about some aspect of my house/her house.

I always wanted to have Norma over, but we never could accomplish a visit.

But Norma visited every day - in her mind. I guess over the years I described every nook and cranny in this house to Norma – more than once.

I would tell her what it looks like now and she would tell me what it looked like then. There was always conveyed to me a sweet memory from her family’s life in this house. When Norma lived here, her mother “took in boarders”.  She liked all the boarders, but their quarters were separate from her family’s quarters, though they would often share meals.

We would take Norma a plate of food every once in awhile, but she especially liked it when we’d bring her a jar of homemade Squash Pickles or Strawberry Jam.

One day Norma called me and told me I needed to come over - it was important. When I got there, I learned she had decided she wanted some certain items from her china cabinet to come “back home”. She gave me four lovely little glass dishes that had once been in the built-in china cabinet in my house/her house. She was sending them back home. If/when I ever sell this house I will leave those little dishes here for the next owner, in honor of Norma. Thinking back on it, I should have realized what was about to happen. But really, I was oblivious.

Not long after that day, I was startled to see a moving van backed up to Norma’s house. It was almost dark and I had walked to Pic-Pac to get something; on the way home I noticed the unusual activity.

 Norma hadn’t told me she was moving to a nursing home - one quite far away from here.  But it was a home close to her favorite brother. I can’t believe I can’t recall that brother’s name right now. How could I forget? Norma spoke of him so often. But I have forgotten…

Norma’s best friend Spottie Ann was nearly as disabled as Norma. Spottie Ann was one of the fattest little dogs I ever saw, and elderly and incontinent. Norma couldn’t take him to the nursing home, and I am sure it must have been a heartbreaking event for everyone involved when Norma had to leave Spottie Ann behind.


We got a letter from Norma after that. She said that one of her home health friends had taken Spottie Ann in and she was sad about it but felt good that Spottie Ann had such a good home.

We sent Norma some Strawberry Jam and Squash Pickles.

Our correspondence eventually dropped off as it always does when life intervenes...but tonight...?

 I would really like to know how Norma is doing today.

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