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And We're Off!


This happy trio is relaxing in front of the Ham Days Republican Headquarters, eager to snare passers-by into conversation about their favorite political candidates. Mike Cecil is the Republican candidate for Magistrate against Steve Masterson of Loretto - the only magesterial post with opposition in the general election. Mike had a supply of "I Like Mike" stickers he was more than willing to share with all interested in promoting his candidacy. Jimmy & Kitty Thomas are the proud parents of the Republican candidate for Marion County Judge Executive, Doug Thomas, and it's obvious they are enjoying the campaign.


And just two doors down, we have a group seated in front of Democratic Headquarters, enjoying a prime view of the stage - some of the best seats in the house!


Jerry Fowler & Linda Harrison were on a Ham Days Eve stroll when they stopped to chat in front of Democratic Headquarters as we were finishing up our decorating.


Imagine my shocked surprise when Mary Ann Anzelmo and I entered Democratic Headquarters on Ham Days Eve and found long-time Republican Ted Lavit chatting with long-time "yellow dog" Democrat Eddie Lee. I insisted on a picture to commemorate the moment.


Oh? What have we here? Could this be Magistrate Jackie Wicker & wife Ollie celebrating that he has no opposition for his seat in the upcoming general election?


County Attorney Joe Mattingly, wife Carol Mattingly, Crit Luallen and Marion County Jailer and Democratic Party Chair Barry Brady pose for a photo at a Bardstown fundraiser for  Colonel Mike Weaver.


Democratic Candidate for Marion County Judge Executive Connie Rakes with Crit Luallen at the Bardstown Mike Weaver fundraiser. It is widely speculated that Crit Luallen, who has close family ties in Marion County, will make a run for Governor next year.


Col. Mike Weaver, who is running against Ron Lewis in the 2nd District, at his Bardstown fundraiser.

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My little granddaughter, Miss Kiah, is up on the races in Jefferson County, and has proudly chosen her favorite candidate in the Yarmouth-Northup race.

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