
Mary Rose Hayden's Rabbit Stew

"Uncle Dave & Aunt Mary Rose (Hayden)  lived on Frogtown Road.  They were a very nice family.

She’d cook anything I packed in over there.”

                                        ----Butch Votaw, St. Mary, Kentucky


When I asked Butch Votaw what his very favorite recipe is, he paused only a second before replying, "Rabbit Stew". 

He submitted this recipe in memory of  "Aunt" Mary Rose Hayden of Frogtown Road in St. Mary's...



Original Recipe from Aunt Rose Hayden

2 Dead Rabbits

1 cup chopped Celery

1 cup chopped Onion

2 teaspoons Salt

2 teaspoons Pepper

2 cups chopped Potatoes

1 cup chopped Carrots

6 cups Cream of Mushroom Soup


Combine rabbit, celery, onion, salt, pepper and simmer in stockpot for 3 hours. Drain off water and cool. Remove bones from meat and put back in stockpot with celery, onion, salt and pepper. Add potatoes and carrots with some water and cook untiol potatioes and carrots are done. Drain off water and add cream of mushroom soup. Simmer until ready, and serve with crispy fried corn bread.

Serves 3 hungry people or 6 not so hungry people.


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This is Butch's pride and joy-his little granddaughter.

Not only did Butch give me the recipe, he and this sweet little girl brought over a sampling of the rabbit stew, complete with a serving of fried cornbread. Mmm Mmm Good!


Standard Equipment Company Salad



The combination of ingredients in this recipe makes for a wonderful salad. My husband's business partner's wife is an excellent cook and is a part-time catererthis recipe suggestion came from her - Leah Morse. Anytime she sends me a recipe, I pay close attention, because I KNOW it will be great.

It's very simple. Here are the ingredients:

Romaine Lettuce

Toasted Pine Nuts

Red Onions

Dried Craisons (that's what I use ) or dried cherries or dried cranberries

Gorganzola Cheese (Bleu Cheese), crumbled

Ken's Steakhouse Sweet Vidalia Onion Dressing

Just mix up all ingredients except the last, and serve. Pass the dressing.



Kettle of Greens


MMMMmmmm.....what could be better than a big kettle of mixed greens straight from the garden?

Here's a pot of our garden greens on the stove. We do them the old fashioned way - with lots of bacon grease and ham hocks. One step I always do is bring the greens to a boil and then change the water....I just think it makes them taste better.

Butterfly is going to tell me her secret recipe for great greens sans meat -  she uses  herbs such as lemon balm. in her greens..can't wait for her recipe!