DAY 249: LEFT BEHIND: Lebanon Medical Solutions
Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 10:18PM
Donna Mattingly

It was the best of times.

It was the worst of times.

It was a dark and stormy night.


Lebanon Medical Solutions arrived on the scene in Lebanon Trade Center with not the least bit of fanfare.

Kind of sad, really.

There was no traditional "ribbon cuttin' thang" by the Chamber of Commerce.

There were no known photo ops between the principals and Lebanon's most well-connected.

No politicians stood to announce their coming nor claim credit for same.

Tourism didn't even have the usual email blitz touting out this business that - from all published accounts - brought a lot of visitors to our town from far away places. Medical tourism is a godsend for some locales, but not even our hungry tourism department seemed anxious to publicize nor welcome this newest business to the Marion County area.

I am betting nobody even sent them a potted plant to care for. : (  (wopwopwahhhhhh).

But I guess they might have been just fine with no local publicity.

One thing that raised a few eyebrows in the community about this business is that they did not advertise locally. What?! No Enterprise ad? Nothing on the local radio?! Why, the nerve of them!!!

Lebanon Medical Solutions operated here and reportedly advertised from afar as a center for "complete pain management" for just a little while, and until Jim Higdon raised questions about it on his Marion County Line, the community at large seemed oblivious and none the wiser.


Once Jim broke the story, the local newspaper gave it front page coverage and fleshed the story out with additional research and details from ace reporter, Stephen Lega.

(google: Lebanon Enterprise)

I think they've about covered it all. Jim even counted down what they took with them...the office furniture...the corkboard and messages with the errant grammer...


Well. Before we put this to bed, let's take a look at what they DID leave behind, shall we?


Yes. Back behind Lebanon Medical Solutions was their personalized Lebanon Medical Solutions trash can. Beside it was a collection of cheap wood. In my mind, I am thinking those wood pieces may have once been a particleboard desk of some kind. It split into pieces when someone read Jim's blog or Stephen's article and - in a rage - pounded their fist down too hard on it. In my mind they would also have said, "D*mn IT!", really loud.

So anyway, since I was perusing the area and spied this personalized trash can I thought, "What the heck", as I am wont to do.

I opened the lid.

OH! What would I find sheltered under that trash can lid? What clues had the Lebanon Medical Solutions disposed of in their harried Labor Day weekend get-out-of-dodge meeting?

Well, here ya go.

They left a very small foot print. Move along -not much to see here. Plus, that garbage can looks like brand new. This might be the virgin garbage tossment from LMS. Yes, it very well might be. Kind of sad looking, really, despite the jauntiness of the red tie. And no evidence of remains of any welcoming potted plant, whatsoever.

Just as I was about to leave it at that, something stopped me. I couldn't resist my curiosity about how a business only a mere month or so old could leave such an environmentally small foot print in what appeared to be a virgin trash can. What in the world could they not eat, use or recycle?

My curiosity got the best of me, and I opened that bag! 

(It was really scary too, because of all those kids they say trade drugs in the parking lot! - Egad! What if they saw me lingering there? Plus, they must've been really mad about that Lebanon Medical Solutions drug competition if they were really drug dealers, right?) 


Oooo, ooooo Domino! And a peanut container...and...

Oh man?! They left a half container of coffee? With two scoops still in it?! That shows they left in a hurry, for sure! But wow. That other item I wasn't familiar with...I had to get a closer look at that...


Oh my goodness. There it is.


Right there.  That says it all.

I'd never heard of Fast Hide Ultra before. But then again, I'd never had reason to. And if I'd opened a business in Lebanon, I am sure someone would have sent me a potted plant. But Fast Hide Ultra? Hmmm.... Yep. That's really all we need to know.

Mmm hmmm.



Well. I put the lid back on the can and rode around the building to leave. But oh wow....look at this... it could have been a great "drive thru" window if Lebanon Medical Solutions had stayed longer. Too bad. Take a gander to the right of it - kind of looks like a really REALLY sad Herman Munster-type face, doesn't it?

 Goodbye, Lebanon Medical Solutions. Someone will be scraping your name off those windows real soon.


But...HELLO REHAB BUSINESS!!! You are just in time! I'm seeing your signs everywhere now and people are even handing out fliers for you at the area stores.

How about that?

I don't know a lot about choreography, but...

It's just crazy how riled up the whole community is now over that big pain clinic. But ain't we all just so darn lucky! That Rehab business showed up just in time!














Article originally appeared on TALK MARION COUNTY 24/7 (
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