These young ladies stopped by in pairs, asking if they could swing in our back yard. The two on the right arrived first, and once they got permission, the girl on the far right excitedly advised me of an important term: if two more girls showed up on bikes wanting to swing, I should not let them because she and her friend were here first and they're all mad at each other!
Sure enough, about five minutes later I had four girls instead of two in my back yard. I made it clear I was not going to referee their argument.
I got out the camera and they were all about it, but when it came time to pose, there was a big empty space between the pairs of girls. I told them I couldn't get them all in the picture unless they got closer together...and what the heck - "you'll probably all be friends again in a few minutes anyway!"
They all laughed and scrunched together for the photo.